B. The Committee

  1. Composition
    1. (12) The Club committee consists of:
      • Chairperson
      • Vice – Chairperson
      • General Secretary
      • Treasurer
      • Internal Competition Secretary
      • External Competition Secretary
      • Two Programme Secretaries
      • Publicity Secretary
      • Database Administrator
      • Two Members Representatives
      • Web Administrator
  2. Conditions of Office
    1. (13) The election of committee members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting, the election taking effect at the end of the current Season.(i.e. from the start of the summer break).
    2. (14) One member may hold up to two of the positions.
    3. (15) Each Programme Secretary holds office for two seasons, the two positions overlapping by one season. During the first season the duty is to plan the programme for the following season, during the second it is to administer it.
    4. (16) Other positions are held for one season, when they shall be resigned. Members may stand for re-election indefinitely except that the Chairperson may not serve for more than two consecutive seasons except by special dispensation of the members at the AGM.
    5. (17)Five members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
  3. Committee Conduct
    1. (18) The Chairperson shall preside at Club and Committee meetings unless absent, when the Vice Chairperson shall deputise. In the absence of both the General Secretary will preside. Otherwise the members present shall elect one of their number to act as Chairperson.
    2. (19) The Chairperson will not vote at meetings save where there is a requirement for a casting vote.
    3. (20) A minimum of one Committee meeting shall be held each season; further meetings being at the discretion of the Chairperson.
    4. (21) Minutes of Committee meetings shall be produced and circulated to Committee Members and be made available to Club Members.
    5. (22) The Committee may form Sub-committees if deemed necessary.
    6. (23) The Committee may co-opt a member to fill any vacancy; such member will have full voting rights.
